Social development faster and faster in recent years, people's quality of life also had significantly more and more people pay much attention to their own ascension do accompany with this, cosmetics industry also get rapid development, more and more entrepreneurs to want to go into the cosmetics industry but very upset don't know how to choose the right cosmetics contract
If only through repeated trial and error, it will not only invest a lot of energy, but also waste a lot of money and miss a lot of market opportunities. Then how to choose a trustworthy supplier of skin care products? Today bulgari biology will take you to understand
1, 廠家的資質。化妝品行業是一個要求極其嚴苛的行業,產品安全性被放在很重要的位置。如果選擇化妝品的代工廠首先要考察廠家的營業執照,生產許可證,衛生許可證等資質證書是否齊全。
1. Qualification of the manufacturer. Cosmetics industry is an extremely demanding industry, product safety is placed in a very important position. If you choose a cosmetics OEM, you should first check whether the manufacturer's business license, production license, sanitary license and other qualification certificates are complete.
2, 廠家的口碑。可以通過互聯網上全面了解該工廠過往的經營狀況和產品的質量情況。通過網上網名的評價可以大概的了解到該護膚品代工廠的口碑情況。
2. Reputation of manufacturers. You can get a comprehensive understanding of the factory's past operating conditions and product quality through the Internet. Through the evaluation of the online name, we can roughly know the reputation of the skincare OEM.
3, 廠家的技術實力怎樣。對于化妝品和護膚品oem廠家來說,產品的研發能力很重要,產品的配方是夠合理科學,成分是否環保安全,研發的產品是否滿足適合當下的流行趨勢等等。這些對于廠家實力都是很重要的方面。
3, 1. What is the technical strength of the manufacturer? For cosmetic and skin care OEM manufacturers, product research and development ability is very important, the formula of the product is reasonable and scientific, the ingredient is environmental protection and safety, the developed product is suitable for the current trend, and so on. These are very important aspects for the strength of manufacturers.
4, 廠家的服務怎么樣?護膚品oem是個性化定制的產品。在設計和生產過程中需要和廠家進行全面深入的溝通。服務態度好的廠家會很有耐心的解答并根據產品情況進行調整完善。好的護膚品產品往往是經過反復試驗論證,完善配方,提升功效的。后期的產品量產,包裝發貨等各方面都需要大量的溝通只有好的服務才能讓客戶的需求得到最大化實現,讓合作變得輕松愉快。
4. What about the factory's service? Skin care OEM is a customized product. Thorough and thorough communication with the manufacturer is required during the design and production process. Good service attitude manufacturers will be very patient to answer and according to the product conditions to adjust and improve. Good skin care products are often through trial and error, improve the formula, improve the efficacy. In the later stage, mass production, packaging, delivery and other aspects require a lot of communication. Only good service can maximize customer needs and make cooperation easy and pleasant.
Therefore, it is not easy to find a good skincare OEM OEM factory. Now there are hundreds of cosmetic OEM factories in China. There are few manufacturers with good real products, strong research and development strength and good service attitude. I hope the above four Suggestions can help you find a satisfactory skin care OEM manufacturer.